7 Reasons Parents Need Valentine’s Day Happy Valentine’s Day, parents! In honor of celebrating the two people at the heart of your family, Katie Bugbee lists the following reasons to have a date night this weekend. What would you add?
It’s Valentine’s Weekend. And as much as this is a time to celebrate the crazy love you have for your kids, your duo could use a love-boost as well – out of the house and out of your comfy clothes. Here are seven reasons why:
You need a reason to shave your legs in the winter Shave-inthe-winter via GIPHY Because your name isn’t only Mom Mom-jeans via GIPHY You deserve a movie without a Minion Minions via GIPHY No tantrums at dinner is pretty tempting Cute-girl via GIPHY Someone else cleans up the kitchen Someone-else-cleans via GIPHY You could use a reason to walk away from the Valentine’s candy Candy-for-dinner via GIPHY To celebrate the couple at the heart of this great family Love via GIPHY
Happy Valentine’s Day, Parents! Whether you choose to stay in, go out as a family, or dine a deux, we hope you take time to cherish the partnership you have as a twosome at some point this weekend (or month!). Clearly, you deserve it.